Network marketing scams have been around for decades. With online platforms, they’ve become more common. These scams are more challenging to spot because criminals are getting smarter with their tactics.
To help you stay safe, here are ten warning signs to look out for.
Key Takeaways
- Legitimate network marketing companies do not promise guaranteed profits. If such assurances are made, it's likely a scam.
- Authentic opportunities don't require substantial upfront fees or investments before joining. Be cautious of any program demanding significant initial payments.
- Scammers often pressure people to join quickly, preventing thorough research. Reputable companies provide ample time to consider the opportunity.
What is Network Marketing (MLM)?
Network marketing, also called MLM, is a business model. Distributors sell products directly to customers. They earn money from their sales.
What is an Illegal Pyramid Scheme (MLM Scam)?
How Scams Operate
Multilevel Marketing Scams: Warning Signs
1. Guaranteed Returns
2. Upfront Fees
Real opportunities don’t ask for hefty upfront fees or investments before you can join.
3. Pressure to Join
4. Unsolicited Emails
5. Complex Compensation Plans
6. Pyramid Structure
7. Recruiting Over Selling
8. Hidden Costs
9. Unrealistic Income Claims
10. Too Good To Be True
These red flags can help you spot scams and protect yourself. Always take your time to research and make informed decisions.
Examples of Multilevel Marketing Scams
- Vemma – marketed energy drinks and supplements and was accused of running a pyramid scheme.
- TelexFree – claimed to be an online telecommunications company but was a pyramid scheme.
- BurnLounge – a multilevel marketing company that sold music and was accused of operating a pyramid scheme.
- Zeek Rewards – an advertising and e-commerce platform revealed to be a Ponzi scheme.
- TVI Express – a travel club accused of operating as a pyramid scheme and was eventually shut down by regulators.
- 5Linx – a telecommunications company that has faced multiple lawsuits for operating as a pyramid scheme.
- Digital Altitude – marketed digital business courses and was accused of operating an illegal pyramid scheme.
How Do Network Marketing Scams Work?
Network marketing scams are often a one-way street. The people recruited are promised big profits for bringing others in. The truth? Only those at the top make any real money.
Tactics Used by Scammers
Recruitment Tactics: Pressure to Recruit
High-Pressure Sales Tactics: Pressure to Buy
Effects of Network Marketing Scams
Pyramid schemes cause financial loss, emotional stress, and sometimes legal trouble. Victims often lose their money and feel betrayed, leading to long-term harm.
Financial Impact
Emotional Impact
Reputation Impact
Social Embarrassment
How to Avoid Network Marketing Scams & Pyramid Schemes
- Research the Company: Look into the company, its management, and its products. Check reviews and ratings to ensure it’s reputable.
- Understand the Compensation Plan: Make sure the plan is clear. Avoid companies that promise huge returns without detailed explanations.
- Avoid Pressure Tactics: A legitimate company won’t rush you. If you feel pressured to join quickly, it’s a red flag.
- Watch for Pyramid Schemes: Real MLMs sell products or services. If the focus is only on recruiting, it’s likely illegal.
- Ask for References: Talk to people who’ve been involved. Learn about their experiences before making a decision.
- Avoid Get-Rich-Quick Promises: Success takes time and effort. Be cautious if a company says you’ll earn big money quickly.
- Be Careful with Upfront Costs: Legitimate opportunities don’t require large investments. If it’s too expensive, think twice before joining.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How can I tell if a network marketing company is legitimate?
2. What’s the difference between network marketing and a pyramid scheme?
3. Should I avoid all network marketing opportunities?
Network marketing can be a great way to boost your income and meet like-minded people. The key is to do your homework.
About The Author
Tanis Zamora is a blogger and network marketer who shares his journey through this blog. Tanis values connecting with other like-minded individuals and sharing tips and strategies for success.
- Introduction
- What is Network Marketing (MLM)?
- What is an Illegal Pyramid Scheme (MLM Scam)?
- How Scams Operate
- Multilevel Marketing Scams: Warning Signs
- Examples of Multilevel Marketing Scams
- How Do Network Marketing Scams Work?
- Tactics Used by Scammers
- Effects of Network Marketing Scams
- How to Avoid Network Marketing Scams & Pyramid Schemes
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Conclusion